If you are using a plastic fan then I know it works due to your passion for power and record of success. 😀 The plastic fans that I have had less luck with distorted too much and lost their form then function at higher speeds. Do you have a part mfg reference? Cloning your car would lead to success 😆
I agree about the Full Pull of an enclosed fan shroud. 😀 The Tiger’s steering rack is due south without much space to play in. We have had a request for an as original Shroud in Aluminum. During fitting,(Bring on the Summer!) I’ll work on an aluminum filler panel to help with the purposeful movement of the air. Hopefully a simple piece can be fabricated. Yes Air will come from the least resistance Make it journey through the rad 🙄 . Whenever Non-Structural, Aluminum alloys are King. Aluminum Heads, Aluminum Rad, Alloy transmission maybe next? 💡
Check out the clearances around the fan with a cardboard pattern. Play a little arts and crafts with some construction paper (bring the kids along!)and do a Mock up of what you need. This will help in your JunkYard Journey since it’s always summer for you down there! 😉 Today it is only 10degrees fahrenheit. 👿 I have never heard of any replacements. Maybe some rice-burner will help out the cause ❓
What do you think of that mess of crooked metal in front of the lower portion of the Tiger Rad. DOH !! 😈