The gasahol problems were many years and five carbs ago. When Keith Porter first put this engine on the road, he had a variety of carb problems. Started with a new 600 that he had rebuilt after just a few miles and never could get it right. Then, I think, he went to a 650 and never got that right. Then, he ended up with a 750 double pumper and it ran like a scalded dog. Way too much carb but the car ran great so he lived with it and when I bought the car the first time, I lived with it too. Since I have detuned it a bit (302 heads instead of the 289 heads and got rid of the Rhodes lifters), I decided I would go back to a 600. Full throttle is a blast but it’s a pain wondering what it is going to do when I stop. This is the second new carb I have had on it since I got it running. The first was an Ebay piece of %&*#. This is on an F4B. Does anyone have a part number for a heat shield plate to go under the carb? It could be that it is just getting too darn hot. Maybe I should consider insulation for the fuel line? Pain in the butt but it is still way more cool than the young guys with the rice rockets worrying about what chip to put in their cars. Who ever heard of getting grease under your nails working on a chip.
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