On my 62 I used a relay from the ignition switch. This then powered a 8 fuse block(2×4) which worked well.One advantage was when you turned the key off the lights went off as well if you forgot.Yes accessory was still independent.Due to the age of the wires and a few shorts over the years I decided to rewire.I bought one of those wiring kits.It is quite nice with 21 circuits.I would go with the 12 or 14 circuit style if I was doing it again but I like lots of fused circuits. All wires are nicely color coded with what it is printed on the wire every 5 inches.I’m stuck though on brakelights.I still have the Mustang column.Hazards,signals and one brake light work properly.I’m beginning to believe it is in th column but it may take a few days to get back at it.
I still have all the gauges and switches to do.
I’m at the point wondering if I just should have left the wires alone.
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