
Frank, you may not be 18 anymore, but Bud is right. I bet you can still lay down. Remove the seats, use a blank lay down with lots of light and look at all those connections under the dash.

When you are ready to install your new harness, rip, OK unplug, all wire terminals from their connections. Don’t worry about which wire goes where. Just unplug it all and discard the old wiring. Remove switches from dash so you can see tiny little numbers on base of each switch blade terminal. Feed new harness through firewall, lay under dash with lots of light, and a pillow.

Now let’s start fresh. Assume (hate that word) the new harness is properly color coded, simply plug the respective color wire onto the respective numbered switch terminal, meter or device wire. The schematic in your shop manual lists all color and switch numbers and locations. It is a little cryptic but quite elementary. It’s kind’a like painting by the numbers.

The following are a few reminders
There are no numbers on the meters but wires can be connected to either terminal with no problems. The ammeter may read reversed, if so reverse wire. Wiper motor connections cause people go crazy on occasion. Just make sure you accurately identify the wire color coming from the wiper. The heater motor is also a point of confusion. Don’t let it get you overheated. Keep you kool.

This is one job where it is OK to lay down on the job. You can do it in an afternoon. Now if you want to stick more fuses in the circuits….that’s another story. There are some neat in-line fuse holders that use the newer style blade fuses. Simply cut the wire you want to fuse, slide shrink tubing over cut wires, solder fuse holder wires to wires just cut, reposition and shrink shrink tubing. Don’t even think about using the wire insulation piercing type fuse holders.

Now, go lay down on the job!!