Hard to tell. We are talking about an old British gage. It was probably hitting around 220. I may temporarily install a real gage to get a true reading just to be sure.
I have seen this many times before in the car when I owned it many years ago. The problem has always been that once it gets that far it doesn’t take long to peg the gage if you don’t either get moving or find a place to let it rest. Of course, once it gets hot, it doesn’t want to start again.
I am probably over-reacting because every little sound, gage fluctuation, or smell could mean that I screwed something up putting the car back together. I have only driven it a little over 100 miles and most of that has been on 15 minute drives around the neighborhood. The goal is to get it to where I can trust it to take me to some of these events I have been missing while I was in Sunbeam withdrawal.
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