Obviously your satisfied that you have enough material left in the mounting area after enlarging the holes. If you have the opportunity, perhaps you can snap a picture of the modified caliper.
As far as the plumbing goes, what you need to do is to move that nice dual master cylinder over from the SV! My understanding is that Volvo plumbs their brakes so that they have 1/2 of each front caliper + one rear brake on each circuit.
You don’t appear to need any help, but if you are interested in how someone else handled the plumbing check out http://www.jcna.com/library/tech/tech0031a.pdf (I found it amusing that someone with the resources to run a Jag XKE would object to paying for 1 hour of machine shop time.)
We are all looking forward to your road test results and the Volvo vs Outlaw comparison test!!
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