
If you have really seized pistons,(Northern Style) pull out the Mig Welder and a hunk of Flat bar HRS !! . This is not necessary for the daily driver that has been in use, but for resurecting the dead, pop off the pads and grip the calipers in your bench vise. Slide the bar through the cavity opening and weld it to the piston protruding out. A piece of 1/4″ by 1 ” and 18″ long can give you enough leverage to turn (partial rotations work) and pull the piston out.
Let me add that I spin my own pistons from Stainless and have never thought twice about using the original pistons a second time. It was suggested long ago by an expert not to seperate the caliper halves and keep the heat away from the castings because there are seals between the two halves.