quote Bill Marras:

I’m (and Doug Jennings) restoring my first Tiger, MK1A to a high quality driver. Since I’m new at Tigers dumb statements don’t apply. I would use brake pads that wear out before they eat up the rotor. It’s easier to replace pads than rotors. Snipers welcome.

Hi Bill,

I agree with you. The only reason to use harder pads, is if you plan on doing some competitive driving, where you need to have pads that will not fade under hard usage. I recommend using brake pads just hard enough to not fade under the type of driving you will be doing.

I used to own a crank grinding shop, and used to have the same discussion with guys that wanted to use bearings that had a harder facing, rather than bearings that had a softer facing in their race engines. I told them that it was cheaper to replace the bearings than to have to regrind the crank every time they took down their engine. It is much cheaper to replace these small disposable items, than to have to repair or replace the more expensive parts.

Jose 🙂