
Great, some replys, I am glad you guys chose to write. I hope others see this and come out of the shadows too. Barry, I would agree that society, in general, is VERY litiu…litego…litigiuo…they like to sue. As much as we try to stay “safe” from that kind of stuff I also like to interject one of my favorite sayings. “You can’t make anything everything proof, so have fun and be careful”. I was suprised to see the word “unobtanium” too, because other than my father, I am the only other person who seems to use that word. By the way, I tried the unobtanium brakes and they did not work well enough to justify the cost. Giving a suggestion, or opinion, over an internet forum hardly places you in a position to be liable for the outcome of an unsupervised individual that you are not responsible for…but then again O.J. did get off didn’t he. Anyway, I hope you are expressing a thought that occupies a very small portion in the back of your mind, rather than the driving force behind not posting info in an enthusiast forum.
To Bud, and the point about “snipers”. The snipers get to remain only if we, the general public of this forum, allow them to remain. If, and when, a person snipes in an unwarranted, rude, or out of line manner, then the rest of us should try to inform the moderators who can remove them from the forum. We could also reply to the snipe in a polite manner and ask that they not do that in the future. The growing pains issue is also a good point and that can only be overcome if the forum users make this place something worth looking at, and spending time with. If a Sunbeam owner posts a question, but receives NO replys, for whatever reason, the Sunbeam owner will soon simply not return because there is NO reason to spend time here. When a person posts they are looking for some sort of interaction, be it opinion, fact, or simple discourse, they came here seeking like minds for a like hobby. If you are not certain about your answer, but you have an inclination to tell them what worked for you, or have an idea, just add that to your reply…”I am not sure this is the prescribed method, but this is what I did” This, at the very least, gives the original poster something to look at that justifies his original post, and that justifies his return to try again with another question or answer. Again, I want to thank you two for giving your thoughts and ideas about what might be keeping this place so reply free. We, the Sunbeam owners, are the reason this forum exists. We are also the reason it will succeed or fail. Thanks and have a great day.