I really wanted to race in the Hot Rod Pump gas race, but they didn’t invite me. I’ve been checking into some other drag strip street racing, but don’t seem to be able to find the time.
As far as the wheel base in the NHRA rule book it states that if the car comes with a v-8 and the firewall has not beeen altered or the floor boards the car is legal. I ran into that problem in Bowling Green, KY in 1998. As long as i keep the car at 10’s and I bolt the hard top on they don’t seem to hassel me to much. When I went 9:87@135 in Phoneix last year they informed that I needed a full cage and Super Comp license and all the other safety stuff, so like I said that’s why I keep it in the 10’s.
I really do enjoy driving the car to the strip and ripping off those 10 second passes.
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